Jeanette felt certain to be late. After all, the boys from the fraternity were already harmonizing. But there was Miss Luna to welcome everyone. It felt like a life-changing event. She thought it was supposed to be casual. But now in the crowd she felt pushed and shoved. She wasn't sure what to think of some of these people.
She thought she saw Meg, maybe, but girl acted as if she didn't know her. Of course, they'd chatted only a bit about the sorority and how amazing it would be to live there.. But Meg was in another world now and someone was asking if Jeanette would like a mock cocktail. "What's in it?" She told the woman that she was allergic to coconut. The server gave her a harsh look as if Jeanette was being impossible. Finally, the harmonies came to an end and the group broke up. She turned to see the fellow with curls point at her as if he had a gun. His playful animated face came near and she turned away, thinking he couldn't possibly come toward her. She felt a tad underdressed and suddenly shy. This was not what she'd wanted for the evening. Then Logan James got everyone's attention. She didn't know what to make of him. Maybe a little spoiled, but he sounded like a politician. Still, he talked about the goals for the sorority and his expectations of the future to make the place bigger and better, all in honor of his sister. Before she knew it the fellow with the curls brushed up against her. He grinned as he walked past. Jeanette almost smiled back, wondering how much longer the evening would be. Maybe this wasn't the place for her. She moved closer to the entrance for a quick exit. "Hey now, you can't be leaving, can you? " The frat boy handed her a chilled bottle of water. He had one, too. Jeanette pressed a smile. "Thanks," she took the bottle. "Um, it feels like it will be a long night." "But you haven't even signed in," He towered over her, but he wasn't intimidating. His name was Brad and he was only a sub in the group. "I'm not even supposed to be here, but I got a call, the lead came down with a virus." "A virus?" "Yeah, I guess he can't get out of bed." With that, he took her arm and led her to sign-in sheets and other paperwork to fill out. "I hope you get in," he said. Now Jeanette's smile was open. Of course, she wondered how often he said that to girls during RUSH WEEK. Finally, the taco bar opened with an assortment of meats, from ground chuck to smoked chicken breasts. So many fresh toppings to choose greens, tomatoes and cheese to choose from, even pineapple. Jeanette looked at it with disgust. "Is it sanitary enough?" The chef assured it was fine. Jeanette was closed-lipped. She didn't want to make a scene, but no way did she want to find out. All along, Brad was double-dipping the cheese dip and the salsa. Jeanette cringed. "I hate buffets," she told him. "Oh come on, have a strawberry," he popped it in her mouth before she could say no. "There's even a fountain of chocolate over there." He led the way. Some filled their plates up with fruit and chocolate. Jeanette thought of food poisoning. She wanted nothing to do with this crowd so she hurried to the bathroom. It was in the bathroom when someone whispered to her about a ghost. She was in the next stall. "What did you say?" Jeanette's voice echoed through the bathroom. By the time she freshened up the mystery girl was gone. Still, Jeanette thought it strange. Jeanette's plan was to go. She needed to get out of there before last year's Sorority sisters started their line dance, but of course, there was Mr. Logan James with a dead stare, honing in on her. "Don't I know you from somewhere?" "I don't think so," Jeanette shook her head. "I think I'd remember you," he started. Brad grabbed her hand. "She's with me, I thought this would be the perfect place for her." Brad was a charmer. Jeanette thought he might be a liar too. "If you say so, Brad, I've never gone wrong with anything you've ever suggested." Logan's smile was quick and Jeanette wasn't sure what to expect now. He let them leave.
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